Tickets - £10 Available here
Tickets will also be available from the Customer First Center, Whitley Bay from 30 July
Tickets - £10 Available here
Tickets will also be available from the Customer First Center, Whitley Bay from 30 July

‘Sous les paves la Plage’
Saturday 28th September Informal event running from
6.00pm - 10.00pm
“What is saved in the cinema when it achieves art is a spontaneous continuity
with all mankind. It is not an art of the princes or the bourgeoisie. It is popular
and vagrant. In the sky of the cinema people learn what they might have been
and discover what belongs to them apart from their single lives.”
John Berger.
Whitley Bay NE26 2AU
Free event
History- (all about the moments…)
From May 1968 in Paris, Frances-many statements we know now come from anonymous graffiti from these times. ‘Make Love Not War’, 'Unity in Diversity' as well as many other phrases. ‘Sous les paves la Plage’ simply expresses the desire that underneath the city, hardened by stone is the freedom of the beach.
A selection of artists moving image works and installations presented in unique settings, curated by artist TraceyTofield who will show work alongside Abigail Fletcher, Ema Lea, Petra Szeman, Carol Lynn. and Dave Wisdom. Poets Steve Lancaster, Mandy Maxwell, Others tbc

This is a free, informal event running from 6pm - 10pm, Whitley Bay NE26 2AU.